Cefyca has implement a survey of 634 teachers in Aragon who will be able to respond from 3 to 14 June. It is aimed at centers of all kinds of teachings, and they are distributed by provinces in 138 centers of Huesca, 99 centers of Teruel and 399 centers of Zaragoza. Links have been sent to school addresses for redistribution among their teachers.

These and other initiatives address to the Educational Community will be carried out by Cefyca, within the framework of its legal functions and by the mandate of the representatives of citizens in the Aragon Courts.

In recent dates we are seeing data publications from different public and private institutions refer to the impact it is having on teachers, the necessary adaptation of teaching by the closure of educational establishments.

From Cefyca we encourage the Aragonese teachers to complete this questionnaire. A high participation will result in a more precise analysis of the real impact that this group has had to face new personal and professional challenges . An analysis that will be key for the adaptation of the Aragonese Educational System to the new circumstances resulting from this period of closure of schools.